şimdiden gözümde 2010'ların kült filmi olmuş zamana yayılmış çekiminin yanı sıra hoş sahneler ve oyunculuk içeren umarım en iyi film oscar ödülü alacak olan richard linklater filmi.
başrolün yaşı, cinsiyeti ve hayatında geçirdiği çoğu evreyi, olayı yaşamış olduğum için filmin yeri ben de bir başkadır diyebilirim.
Mason: Dad, there's no real magic in the world, right?
Dad: What do you mean?
Mason: You know, like elves and stuff. People just made that up.
Dad: Oh, I don't know. I mean, what makes you think that elves are any more magical than something like a whale? Yoy know what I mean? What if I told you a story about how underneath the ocean, there was this giant sea mammal that used sonar and sang songs and it was so big that its heart was the size of a car and you could crawl through the arteries? I mean, you'd think that was pretty magical, right?