satanic bible

entry18 galeri
  1. V
    1. Blessed are the strong, for they shall possess the earth - Cursed are the weak, for they
    shall inherit the yoke!
    2. Blessed are the powerful, for they shall be reverenced among men - Cursed are the
    feeble, for they shall be blotted out!
    3. Blessed are the bold, for they shall be masters of the world - Cursed are the
    righteously humble, for they shall be trodden under cloven hoofs!
    4. Blessed are the victorious, for victory is the basis of right - Cursed are the vanquished,
    for they shall be vassals forever!
    5. Blessed are the iron-handed, for the unfit shall flee before them - Cursed are the poor
    in spirit, for they shall be spat upon!
    6. Blessed are the death-defiant, for their days shall be long in the land - Cursed are the
    gazers toward a richer life beyond the grave, for they shall perish amidst plenty!
    7. Blessed are the destroyers of false hope, for they are the true Messiahs - Cursed are the
    god-adorers, for they shall be shorn sheep!
    8. Blessed are the valiant, for they shall obtain great treasure - Cursed are the believers in
    good and evil, for they are frightened by shadows!
    9. Blessed are those that believe in what is best for them, for never shall their minds be
    terrorized - Cursed are the "lambs of God", for they shall be bled whiter than snow!
    10. Blessed is the man who has a sprinkling of enemies, for they shall make him a hero -
    Cursed is he who doeth good unto others who sneer upon him in return, for he shall be
    11. Blessed are the mighty-minded, for they shall ride the whirlwinds - Cursed are they
    who teach lies for truth and truth for lies, for they are an abomination!
    12. Thrice cursed are the weak whose insecurity makes them vile, for they shall serve and
    13. The angel of self-deceit is camped in the souls of the "righteous" - The eternal flame
    of power through joy dwelleth within the flesh of the Satanist!
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