satanic bible

entry18 galeri
  1. I
    1. In this arid wilderness of steel and stone I raise up my voice that you may hear. To the
    East and to the West I beckon. To the North and to the South I show a sign
    proclaiming: Death to the weakling, wealth to the strong!
    2. Open your eyes that you may see, Oh men of mildewed minds, and listen to me ye
    bewildered millions!
    3. For I stand forth to challenge the wisdom of the world; to interrogate the "laws" of
    man and of "God"!
    4. I request reason for your golden rule and ask the why and wherefore of your ten
    5. Before none of your printed idols do I bend in acquiescence, and he who saith "thou
    shalt" to me is my mortal foe!
    6. I dip my forefinger in the watery blood of your impotent mad redeemer, and write
    over his thorn-torn brow: The TRUE prince of evil - the king of slaves!
    7. No hoary falsehood shall be a truth to me; no stifling dogma shall encramp my pen!
    8. I break away from all conventions that do not lead to my earthly success and
    9. I raise up in stern invasion the standard of the strong!
    10. I gaze into the glassy eye of your fearsome Jehovah, and pluck him by the beard; I
    uplift a broad-axe, and split open his worm-eaten skull!
    11. I blast out the ghastly contents of philosophically whited sepulchers and laugh with
    sardonic wrath!
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