"september 11 was terrible, but if you reprise the history of the ira, that of the americans wasn't so terrible. any american would think i was mad. many people died, two high-profile buildings came down, but it wasn't as terrible or as extraordinary as they think. [the americans] are a very naive people; or they pretend to be."
[11 eylul kotuydu ama ira kadar degildi be abi. amerikalilar cok kizgin oldugumu dusunebilir. epey insan oldu, iki tane koccaman bina yikildi, ama kendilerinin dusundugu gibi cok kotu veya siradisi olay degildi. amerikalilar epey toy adamlar. veya toy ayagina yatiyorlar.]
demis, sonra da iddialarini soyle pekistirmis;
"nearly 3,000 people were killed in the september 11 attacks. more than 3,700 died and tens of thousands of people were injured in more than 30 years of violence in northern ireland."
[uc bine yakin insan 11 eylul saldirilarinda oldu. kuzey irlanda`nin 30 yildir suren siddetinde ucbinyediyuzu askin insan oldu, binlercesi de sakat kaldi.]