1. Sorunun conjunction mı yoksa transition mı istediğine karar verilir.
2. imla kurallarına uyulur.
3. Boşluktan sonra isim mi yoksa cümle mi geldiğine bakılır.
of, to, with (ile bitiyorsa) + noun
That / As / If / Though (ile bitiyorsa) + S + V
4. [As if
As though
In order that
So that
Lest] Cümle başına gelmezler.
5. [In case
As if
As though
As to / of / for
On behalf of
As regards
In excess of
In favour of
So as] Genelde yanlış cevaptır.
6. so that + can / could
in order that + can / could
7. lest + should
8. Unless S + (not) V , S + wont /cant + V (veya ana cümlede never, no, un- gibi bir olumsuzluk ifadesi aranır)
9. As far as + S + am/is/are concerned
10. Instead of + isim , should / ought to
11. as well as // rather than {aralarında paralellik vardır}
12. Although / Though / Even though + S + V , S + still / actually / nevertheless / necessarily +V
13. In order to + V1
So as to + V1
14. If only + past kalıp (Type 2 / Type 3)
15. Contrary to + the popular belief/opinion
Contrary to + the widespread notion
Contrary to + what is believed / assumed / supposed
16. As well as + isim, S + also + V
In addition to + isim, S + also + V
Besides + isim, S + also + V
Rather than + isim, S + also + V
17. As + artmalı/azalmalı fiiller = dıkça, dikçe
18. Just as (,so) → Benzerlik bildirir. Ana cümle ile yan cümle arasında benzer kelimeler veya benzer gramer yapısı gerektirir.
19. While / Whereas some . . . . . , others . . . . .
20. , fanboys
, although, (even) though, while, whereas
, such as
, that is ,
21. both
ve not only
but also
unless ve even if
when ve if
before ve until aynı anda şıklardaysa ikisi de
22. while/whereas/just as, bağlaçlarının kullanılabilmesi için yan cümle ile ana cümlenin özneleri birbirinden farklı ve karşılaştırılabilir olmalı.
23. no less than + rakam
more than
as much as
as many as
24. rather / than Parçalanarak yazılamazlar.
as well / as
25. whether + or
26. and + sonuç bağlaçları (so, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, as a result)
27. look/appear/seem/feel/describe/behave/treat/act + as if
28. According to + insan/kitap/akım/otorite ismi
29. As + S +V (As it is acknowledged)
As + V3 (As seen in the table)
As + preposition (As in the world)
Like + isim (benzetme)
As , such as + isim (örnekleme)
30. same/similar/resemble + in that
different/differ from