
entry350 galeri video2

    1. Sorunun conjunction mı yoksa transition mı istediğine karar verilir.

    2. imla kurallarına uyulur.

    3. Boşluktan sonra isim mi yoksa cümle mi geldiğine bakılır.

    of, to, with (ile bitiyorsa) + noun
    That / As / If / Though (ile bitiyorsa) + S + V

    4. [As if
    As though
    In order that
    So that
    Lest] Cümle başına gelmezler.

    5. [In case
    As if
    As though
    As to / of / for
    On behalf of
    As regards
    In excess of
    In favour of
    So as] Genelde yanlış cevaptır.

    6. so that + can / could
    in order that + can / could

    7. lest + should

    8. Unless S + (not) V , S + won’t /can’t + V (veya ana cümlede never, no, un- gibi bir olumsuzluk ifadesi aranır)

    9. As far as + S + am/is/are concerned

    10. Instead of + isim , should / ought to

    11. as well as // rather than {aralarında paralellik vardır}

    12. Although / Though / Even though + S + V , S + still / actually / nevertheless / necessarily +V

    13. In order to + V1
    So as to + V1

    14. If only + past kalıp (Type 2 / Type 3)

    15. Contrary to + the popular belief/opinion
    Contrary to + the widespread notion
    Contrary to + what is believed / assumed / supposed

    16. As well as + isim, S + also + V
    In addition to + isim, S + also + V
    Besides + isim, S + also + V
    Rather than + isim, S + also + V

    17. As + artmalı/azalmalı fiiller = –dıkça, –dikçe

    18. Just as (,so) → Benzerlik bildirir. Ana cümle ile yan cümle arasında benzer kelimeler veya benzer gramer yapısı gerektirir.

    19. While / Whereas some . . . . . , others . . . . .

    20. , fanboys
    , although, (even) though, while, whereas
    , such as
    , that is ,

    21. “both…and…” ve “not only…but also…”
    “unless” ve “even if”
    “when” ve “if”
    “before” ve “until” aynı anda şıklardaysa ikisi de

    22. while/whereas/just as, bağlaçlarının kullanılabilmesi için yan cümle ile ana cümlenin özneleri birbirinden farklı ve karşılaştırılabilir olmalı.

    23. no less than + rakam
    more than
    as much as
    as many as

    24. rather / than Parçalanarak yazılamazlar.
    as well / as

    25. whether + or

    26. and + sonuç bağlaçları (so, thus, hence, therefore, consequently, as a result)

    27. look/appear/seem/feel/describe/behave/treat/act + as if

    28. According to + insan/kitap/akım/otorite ismi

    29. As + S +V (As it is acknowledged)
    As + V3 (As seen in the table)
    As + preposition (As in the world)

    Like + isim (benzetme)
    As , such as + isim (örnekleme)

    30. same/similar/resemble + in that
    different/differ from
    3 ...