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  1. Paylastigi bir makale: The question no-one asks is.. Why is our SUN so spherical. Why are atoms so spherical.

    from the tiniest particles to stars in the cosmos that are much larger than even planet earth.

    there must be a reason why they are all choosing to turn into a sphere and not some other shape..

    such as a cube.

    Here on planet earth.. we the humans have eyeballs that are leaning towards being a sphere shape.

    Perhaps no-one could argue that human eyes are more important than other parts of a human body.

    spheres are in charge of this universe. spheres are up to something.

    a sphere has only 1 side. which means when a human thinks of a sphere.. you only think about 1 side. 1 pattern.

    but galaxies are not spherical. they are more of disks and thus to be considered circles.

    but circles are like.. sisters of spheres.

    a sphere has a radius that is same as the radius of a circle.

    a sphere in other words is related to circles.

    galaxies in other words must be related to stars galaxies are circular disks stars are circular spheres. ( 3D )

    but of course even a 2D is a 3D because it is likely that the smallest particle in the void is likely to be a 3D spherical object.

    perhaps it should be called 4D to be honest. because a sphere is practically a CUBE that has only 1 side.

    but this claim i am unable to explain in a deeper manner. and thus it is to be skipped.

    but here's the main reason why i am writing this article.. one time i was thinking about cosmos, void, existence etc.. including god and so on. i slept and in a dream i heard a voice telling a spherical object in the cosmos..

    " are you trying to play god ? "

    not the exact phrase.. it was more like..

    " trying to play god ?" the question being asked to the sphere as i was observing the cosmos in my dream and staring at a spherical object.

    what we have here is rumors that suggest the surface of our SPHERE sun is hotter than the inner portions.

    this is not something we the humans on earth can imagine. the surface of something being hotter than the inside is outside of the imagination of logic that we humans go by.

    but the real thing here is.. the surface of the sphere can arrange particles in a manner so that the sphere can be extremely strong.

    the force that is applied to the sphere can be distributed to the other side without shattering the sphere.

    if the applied force to a sphere can move to the exact opposite side of the sphere..

    what comes to mind is how here on earth there is a certain angle on a chicken egg.. which is said to be stronger than the other areas.

    you apply force to it.. but it won't break.. the force evenly moves from the sides and goes back to the opposite side.

    the chicken egg gives us evidence that the cosmological spheres in the cosmos might be up to something no good.

    although they might also be simply suicidal.

    it is hard to pin point the intention of spherical objects in the cosmos.

    a spherical object can calculate that nothing is impossible due to lack of a GOD within void and thus do things that are pretty much illegal only if it is not possible.

    what we are talking about a law that only works with "possible" vs "not possible".

    the spherical object can calculate that taking out a planet named planet earth for example..

    is simply "possible" and thus "legal" given the lack of "god" in the "void".

    the planet is taken out but there is a reaction from the planet. earth throws bombs at the object that is spherical.

    but the spherical object already calculated that it can move the incoming force to the opposite side of itself.

    in other words earth never had a chance. the spherical object gets away with a crime made up of murder and what not.

    god is not around. the spherical object calculated this was a show of

    "possible" vs "not possible"

    and it was impossible for it to be hurt by the reaction of earth given that it could deal with the reaction via it's perfect sphere surface.

    welcome to void. god is not anywhere to be found.

    the most perfect sphere in the cosmos will play the god role. it will move through out the cosmos via thoughts alone calculate it all and know the future.

    like a god.

    but we should not really say spheres are evil because.. it might also be possible that spheres simply want to commit suicide and disappear to void without disturbing others.

    when a spherical object attempts to disappear to void.. if it is a perfect sphere.. it can disappear evenly and uniformly.

    and thus no odds of space fabric tearing apart and big bang style matter being created out of nowhere.

    and no disturbances for the neighboring objects.

    when a star that is spherical explodes.. perhaps it experiences no pain because all directions apply even force to the center as it explodes..

    the center remains simply there.. without being disturbed. all sides report data to the center the center can send signals to other directions to report reflections and thus the elimination of pain as things fade to void or move into the void.

    The conclusion here is.. human body for example is not designed correctly.

    everything is constantly being pulled towards the centric gravity.

    this makes a human body mortal and it is constantly in need of motion in order to maintain presence.

    if a human body could turn into a spherical object in the space..

    it could then turn into other things such as rock.. and then molten rock.. and then fire and then light.

    without ever experiencing pain.

    and if it becomes light.. it can then blow itself up like a spherical star in the cosmos.

    the blown up light might heat up nearby planets. kill lots of creatures.

    but god the void does not seem to think this is a crime.

    because as you know many objects in the cosmos blow up and kill lots of beings and planets..

    god the void seems to be okay with this.

    perhaps the creatures and planets were in violation of god's rules by not turning into spheres and then setting every particle free by blowing themselves up.

    when every particle is set free in the void some will vanish others will vanish later.

    infinity is simply not possible and is also not logical given the organic ( default ) state being: in the beginning there was nothing.

    at void there is no more motion. there is no need for motion.

    the question of another big bang.. can not even be thought of because there is nothing to even think about the concept of another big bang.

    at void there is no cool things. but cool things result in pain.

    perhaps existence is made up of 49 percent cool things.. and 51 percent pain.

    for some reason this above 49 vs 51 percent equation does not make sense.

    what we are trying to say is.. pain is simply quantum particle more than enjoyment and thus..

    when you pay your debt to cool things aka enjoyment you end up with only 1 quantum penny.

    which is made up of pain.

    once that particle disappears too. pain stops.

    i still can not understand why there is not a way to describe something being an overruling force here on earth.. because 49 vs 51.. and you have yourself 51 minus 49 .. you end up with 2.

    what i am looking for is an equation within which there is only 1 left over after a collision of 2 reflections.
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