kendisinin harika repliklerinden bazıları aşağıdaki gibidir.
"Do you think when I find my purpose I'll get some sort of sign, like a glowing light, but not like an alien abduction glowing light, like a Jesus light?"
"Man, I wish I had robot legs. Or robot hands. Robot hands would be cool. With like a knife finger, and a spoon finger, and a fork finger, and a toothbrush finger, and a comb finger, and a bottle opener finger, and a flashlight finger, and a screwdriver finger. But regular thumbs. You gotta have regular thumbs."
"Yeah, I like him. The guy with the green panty hose, right? I like his little hummingbird girlfriend, Tinkerbell. She gets so jealous." (sanırım robin hood ile peter pan'ı karıştırıyor burda)