war of the dead (2007)
football wives (2007)
eye of the beast (2007)
"criminal minds" (2007)
revelations (2007)
the big game (2007)
the plague (2006/ı)
"robot chicken" (2006)
massage chair (2006)
rodigitti (2006)
first time director (2006)
sex, power, love & politics (2006)
standing still (2005/ıı)
"three" (2005)
"dawson's creek" (1998-2003)
all good things... (2003)
... must come to an end (2003)
joey potter and capeside redemption (2003)
goodbye, yellow brick road (2003)
catch-22 (2003)
the rules of attraction (2002)
texas rangers (2001)
scary movie (2000)
varsity blues (1999)
harvest (1998)
ı love you, ı love you not (1996)
"aliens in the family" (1996)
you don't have a pet to be popular (1996)
angus (1995)
"clarissa explains ıt all"(1993)
alter ego (1993)