ingilizce küfür edince hiç ayıp olmaması

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  1. Okullarda ayıp olmuyor, mesela iskoç asıllı kanadalı bir öğretmenim var, aramızda geçen bir diyalog;

    + Ben
    - Öğretmen

    + Ms, what do you think of your new students?
    - Holy Jesus, they suck. Dick heads all around. You have got to be open minded, they do not give a flying fuck what I am saying to them, or they basically pretend to be assholes. I am tired of this, imagine San Dimas, you are coming into the class, been sitting for about two hours on your bloody chair, doing nothing. What would you do you tell me. What the fuck? I am not their personal secretary. They drive me crazy. I am not the one got to take all these shit on my bloody frickin shoulders. Jesus christ!
    + Oh got it. (!!!!!!)
    0 ...
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