asıl adı val edward kilmer olan amerikalı oyuncu. oliver stone'un "the doors" filmindeki jim morrison rolüyle ünlenmişti.
rol aldığı filmler şu şekildedir :
* 10th & wolf (2006)
* delgo (2005) (seslendirme)
* kiss, kiss, bang, bang (2005)
* alexander (2004)
* mindhunters (2004)
* blind horizon (2004)
* stateside (2004)
* spartan (2004)
* missing, the (2003)
* wonderland (2003)
* masked and anonymous (2003)
* run for the money (2002)
* salton sea, the (2002)
* red planet (2000)
* pollock (2000)
* joe the king (1999)
* at first sight (1999)
* prince of egypt, the (1998) (seslendirme)
* saint, the (1997)
* dead girl (1996)
* ghost and the darkness, the (1996)
* island of dr. moreau, the (1996)
* heat (1995)
* batman forever (1995)
* wings of courage (1995)
* tombstone (1993)
* real mccoy, the (1993)
* true romance (1993)
* thunderheart (1992)
* doors, the (1991)
* kill me again (1989)
* willow (1988)
* top gun (1986)
* real genius (1985)