lost generation

entry4 galeri
  1. ernest hemingway in ortaya attigi bir kavramdir. 1920 yillarinda yasamis 1. dunya savasinda bizzat bulunan nesile verilen isimdir. hemingway de su olaydan esinlenerek kendilerine bu ismi takmistir.

    Hemingway claims that Stein heard the phrase from a garage owner who serviced Stein's car. When a young mechanic failed to repair the car quickly enough, the garage owner shouted at the boy, "You are all a "génération perdue." Stein, in telling Hemingway the story, added, "That is what you are. That's what you all are ... all of you young people who served in the war. You are a lost generation."

    bu neslin benim sayabilicegim birkac ustadi ise; ernest hemingway, francis scott fitzgerald, gertrude stein' dir.
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