the prophet

entry8 galeri
  1. bir abraham cowley siiridir. olu ozanlar dernegi'nde charlie dalton'in magarada okudugu birkac dize de bu siirdendir:

    "Teach me to Love? go teach thy self more wit;
    i am chief Professor of it.
    Teach craft to Scots, and thrift to Jews,
    Teach boldness to the Stews;
    in tyrants courts teach supple flattery,
    Teach Jesuits, that have traveled far, to Lye.
    Teach fire to burn and Winds to blow.
    Teach restless Fountains how to flow,
    Teach the dull earth, fixt, to abide,
    Teach Woman-kind inconstancy and Pride.
    See if your diligence here will useful prove;
    But, pr'ithee, teach not me to love.

    The God of Love, if such a thing there be,
    May learn to love from me,
    He who does boast that he has bin,
    in every Heart since Adams sin,
    i'll lay my Life, nay Mistress on't that's more;
    i'll teach him things he never knew before;
    i'll teach him a receipt to make
    Words that weep, and Tears that speak,
    i'll teach him Sighs, like those in death,
    At which the Souls go out too with the breath;
    Still the Soul stays, yet still does from me run;
    As Light and Heat does with the Sun.

    'Tis i who Love's Columbus am; 'tis i, Who must new Worlds in it descry;
    Rich Worlds, that yield of Treasure more,
    than that has been known before,
    And yet like his (i fear) my fate must be,
    To find them out for others; not for Me.
    Me Times to come, i know it, shall
    Loves last and greatest prophet call.
    But, ah, what's that, if she refuse,
    To hear the whole doctrines of my Muse?
    if to my share the Prophets fate must come;
    Hereafter fame, here Martyrdome."


    "bana aski ogretmek mi? sen kendin ogren onu;
    ben zaten ustadim bunda.
    demirciligi ogret iskoclara, yahudilere tutumlulugu,
    ogret vahsiligi stewlara;
    ogret tiran maiyetine dalkavukca konusmayi,
    ogret cizvitlere, o uzaklara gitmislere, ta lye'e.
    ogret ruzgara esmeyi ve atese yanmayi.
    ogret kipir kipir pinarlara nasil akacaklarini,
    ogret durgun dunyaya, kimiltisiz, yerinde durmayi,
    ogret kadinlara sadakatsizligi ve kibri.
    bak, eger cabalarsan olur cabalarin basarili;
    ama, yalvaririm, ogretme bana aski.

    eger ask tanrisi diye bir sey varsa,
    aski benden ogrenebilir,
    odur ki ovunen olmakla
    her kalpte, adem'in gunahindan beridir,
    hayatimi adayacagim, hayir hanimefendi buna degil, fazlasina;
    ogretecegim hic bilmedigi seyleri ben ona;
    ogretecegim ona bir recete yazip da
    konusan gozyaslarini, aglayan sozleri,
    ona ic cekisleri ogretecegim, olurkenki gibi,
    soluklarla disari gidiveren ruhlardakini;
    ruh hala kalir, ve hala kacar benden;
    ates ve isik olup da bir gunesten.

    bu askin kolomb'uyum ben; bu ben, kesfinde yeni dunyalar olan;
    zengin dunyalar, hazineden fazlasini sunan,
    bu bilinenin sinirlarini asan,
    ve onun gibi (korkarim) olmali kaderim,
    bunlari otekiler icin bulmali; degil benim.
    zamanim gelir, biliyorum bunu,
    cagirilacak askin son ve en kutlu peygamberi.
    ama, ah, ne olur, eger o reddederse
    duymayi tum ogretilerini benim ilhamimin?
    eger paylastigim peygamberler yazgisi gelmeliyse;
    sonra gelecek sohret, simdi sehitlik."
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