
entry41 galeri video1
  1. the thomas crown affair, cellular gibi filmlerin soundtracklerinde bulunan super bir şarkıdır. nina simone soylemekltedir. sozleri su sekıldedir.

    sinnerman where you gunna run to
    sinnerman where you gunna run to
    Where you gunna run to all on that day
    well I run to the rock
    please hide me I run to the rock
    please hide me I run to the rock
    please hide me lord
    all on that day
    well the rock cried out
    i cant hide you the rock cried out
    i cant hide you the rock cried out
    i aint gunna hide you god all on that day
    i said rock whats a matter with you rock
    dont you see I need you rock
    dont let down all on that day..

    i said rock whats a matter with you rock
    dont you see I need you rock
    dont let down all on that day.. kısmının bagıra cagıra soylenmesı ayrı zevk verır..
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