tarantino(zombi askerlerden): You like Ava Gardner?
mcgowan-Cherry: Sorry?
t: [gaz maskesini çıkarır] Ava Gardner. Do you like her?
c: Yeah, I guess.
t: I was just thinkin' that you, uh, kinda look like Ava Gardner, a little bit.
t: [asansörü durdurur] You have somethin' you wanna say to me?
C: I have nothing to say to you.
T: You have nothing to say to me? That's funny, cuz I could've sworn you just gave me a 'fuck you' look right now. You wanna say 'fuck you' to me?
C: Not at this moment.
T: [silahı kızın alnına dayar] You know what this is?
C: A gun.
T: It's simplicity itself. You see, you point it at what you want to die. And you pull the little trigger here. And a little bullet comes outta here.
[silahı kafasına doğru ittirir]
T: And the little bullet... hits you right there! And you know what? You don't look like Ava Gardner no more.
T: Do not taunt me, tramp. I am not one to be taunted. Say 'I got it'. SAY 'I GOT IT'!
C: I... got it.
[asansörü yeniden çalıştırır]
C: [içinden] Tool.