american doll posse

entry4 galeri
  1. tori amos'un birçok farklı kadın konseptine dayandırdığı mükemmel albümü. içindekiler ve ithaf edilen posse aşağıdaki gibi..

    body and soul: pip & santa
    almost rosey: isabel
    beauty of speed: clyde
    big wheel: tori
    bouncing off clouds: clyde
    devils and gods: isabel
    father's son: tori
    programmable soda: santa
    roosterpur bridge: clyde
    teenage hustling:pip
    velvet revolution:pip
    yo george: isabel
    digital ghost: tori
    you can bring your dog: santa
    mr. bad man: isabel
    fat slut:pip
    girl disappearing: clyde
    secret spell: santa
    code red: tori
    dark side of the sun: isabel
    posse bonus: tori
    smokey joe: pip
    dragon: santa
    0 ...