la grange

entry11 galeri video1
  1. Gaza getirme özelliği ile insanı kendinden geçiren, zz top efsanesi. kısa ve arka planda kalan sözleri;

    rumour spreadin` around, in that texas town
    `bout that shack outside la grange
    and you know what i`m talkin' about.
    just let me know if you wanna go
    to that home out on the range.
    they gotta lotta nice girls.

    have mercy.
    a haw, haw, haw, haw, a haw.
    a haw, haw, haw.

    well, i hear it`s fine if you got the time
    and the ten to get yourself in.
    a hmm, hmm.
    and i hear its tight most evry night,
    but now i might be mistaken.
    hmm, hmm, hmm, hmm.

    have mercy.

    edit: oha lan, entry üstüne makina'da çaldı.
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