Oh what a pity
Oh what a pity
This kind of destiny
Oh what a pity
Everything is dark
Where is humanity
Who serves the servant
Oh what a pity
This world should sink
This dream should end
Shame on the one who
Makes you laugh and then cry
Unborn sufferings
Unlived worries
A heart that longs for you
Should it be mine?
What did i doooo
Faith to youuuu
You sentenced me
To meeee
With every breath i take
Lies a thousand reproach
My complaint is
To the creator
My complaint is
To the creator
Is it you or is it me that surprise
I doooon't know
You gave a kind of worry
I couldn't come to meee
I'm at a blind alley
I couldn't find my way
Oooof of of of of of of of.. OFFF!
Türkish versiyon
Yazıklar olsun
Yazıklar olsun
Kaderin böylesine
Yazıklar olsun
Herşey karanlık
Nerde insanlık
Kula kulluk edene
Yazıklar olsun
Batsın bu dunya
Bitsın bu ruya
Ağlatip da gülene
Yazıklar olsun
Doğmamış çileler
Yaşanmamış dertler
Hasret çeken gönül
Benim mi olsun
Ben ne yaptım
Kader sana
Mahkum ettin
Beni bana
Her nefeste
Bin sitem var
Şaşıran sen mi yoksa ben miyim
Öyle bir dert verdin ki
Kendime geleeeeemedim
Çıkmaz bir sokaktayım
Yolumu bulamadım
Oooof of of of of of of of.. OFFF!