the return of the son of nothing

entry2 galeri
  1. tiamat parçası.

    The warrior went back to Rome
    The nomads settled for solid homes
    The crusader returned to heathen
    The snake searched for garden of Eden

    The manikin went back in her cocoon
    And NASA flew back to the moon
    The great white returned to the coral reef
    As the geisha stepped up on a water lily leaf

    Everything was like before
    And the pharaohs killed the first born son
    Good lord Jesus Christ went back to his whore
    The whore went back to Babylon

    The pope went back on the dole
    And Santa flew back to the northpole
    Judas went back to Nazareth
    And the president back in his jet

    The raven flew back to Hades
    And the shemales went back to the eighties
    The dandy went back to Perth
    And the dead went straight back to birth
    0 ...