fezalar eğitim kurumları

entry5 galeri
  1. Irak'ın Erbil kentinde - Kürdistan da diyebiliriz - yapılanmış The Cemaat eğitim kurumunun adıdır.
    Kendilerini ingilizce olarak şöyle anlatmışlar:
    Fezalar Educational Institutions has been established in Erbil in 1994, by Turkish and Iraqi investors and educators, during the civil war in the region. In 1994, the Institution started with Ishik High School in Erbil. The institution has been aiming to establish schools with high standards that provide local and universal values. The company also aims to provide education to everybody regardless of their belief, ethnicity, social status or political ideas. Ishik High School made itself a good reputation in the region. After that, the new schools in Suleimania, Salahaddin Ayyubi Boy Schools and Suleimania Girl Schools were started. During the 15 years, new High Schools and Primary Schools were opened in Erbil, Suleimania, Kirkuk and Dohuk as part of Fezalar Educational Institutions.
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