
entry56 galeri video1
  1. Dunyaya gelmis gecmis en karizmatik, en muhtesem ve urpertici ses ve goruntuye sahip; ozellikle sahne sovlariyla kendine hayran birakan adami Fernondo'nun vokalistligini yaptigi, 16 Ocak 2004 tarihinde verdikleri konserle beni benden alan saygi duyulasi grup.
    Ayrica sarki sozleriyle de diger bir cok gruptan farkli bir yer edinmeyi basarmislardir;

    For the dawn of Knowledge has a Southern Sign
    Delfos will once again desveil its light
    And those with eyes will drink this precious wine
    But for the blind, Ignorance shall be the only sight!

    To our strenghtening I will re-affirm:

    I worship thee. They are my Shield.
    And their message I shall reveal.

    Because: "Quod sciptum, Scripsi!"

    And this Southern blend of esoteric sapience
    This sensual Mediterranic Philosophy
    Will be the only and holy science
    And these lines both dream and prophecy!

    "Ecce Homo!" - Those you'll call the Wise
    Who will destroy this pitful hole of common sense
    of desrespect for the true occult devise
    Those who from, the lambs, shall feel the sharpened spears of

    I worship thee. "Quod sciptum, Scripsi!"
    I worship thee. "Consummatum est!"
    Tenebrarum Oratorium (Andamento I / Erudit Compendyum) [Under the Moonspell]
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