
entry42 galeri video1
  1. muse'un the 2nd law albümündeki şarkılarından biri. piyano introsu ile başlayan bir şarkı, dinlendikçe sevilebilir. öyle bir yapısı var.

    Animal, animal
    Don't take anything else
    Out of control, you're out of control
    Strike those who distress

    Analyse, Advertise
    When you...
    Bend the rules
    Buy yourself an island

    Animals, animals
    By what lies on the street
    Out of control, out of control
    Crush those who make it your fear

    Advertise, franchise, expand
    Kill the competition
    And buy yourself an ocean

    Advertise, downsize
    When your...
    Kill yourself
    Come on and do us all a favour
    0 ...