sweet nothing

entry10 galeri
  1. calvin harris'in 18 months albümünün ilk single'ı. vokallerinde ise florence + the machine grubunun solisti florence welch var. florence welch bu saatten sonra sadece popçu olarak takılsa bile efsane olur, acayip ses var kızda.

    (bkz: sözlerini de yazayım tam olsun)

    You took my heart and you had it in your mouth
    And with the word all my love came rushing out
    And every whisper - it's the worst, empty though by a single word
    There is a hollow in me now

    So I put my faith in something unknown
    I'm living on such sweet nothing
    But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hope
    I'm living on such sweet nothing
    And it's hard to love
    And it's hard to love
    When you're giving me such sweet nothing
    Sweet nothing, sweet nothing
    You're giving me such sweet nothing

    [Beat break]

    It isn't easy for me to let it go
    I swallow every single word
    Every whisper, every sigh
    It swept this heart of mine
    And there is a hollow in me now

    So I put my faith in something unknown
    I'm living on such sweet nothing
    But I'm tired of hope with nothing to hope
    I'm living on such sweet nothing
    And it's hard to love
    And it's hard to love
    When you're giving me such sweet nothing
    Sweet nothing, sweet nothing
    You're giving me such sweet nothing

    [Beat break]

    And it's not enough
    To tell me that you care,
    When we both know the words are empty air
    You give me nothing


    [Beat break]


    Sweet Nothing
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