
entry9 galeri
  1. klasik müziğe esas sınıflandırması şöyle yapılır efendim ;

    Larghissimo ; very, very slow (20 bpm and below)
    Grave ; slow and solemn (20;40 bpm)
    Lento ; slowly (40;60 bpm)
    Largo ; broadly (40;60 bpm)
    Larghetto ; rather broadly (60;66 bpm)
    Adagio ; slow and stately (literally, "at ease") (66;76 bpm)
    Adagietto ; rather slow (70;80 bpm)
    Andante moderato ; a bit slower than andante
    Andante ; at a walking pace (76;108 bpm)
    Andantino ; slightly faster than andante (although in some cases it can be taken to mean slightly slower than andante)
    Marcia moderato - moderately, in the manner of a march[4][5]
    Moderato ; moderately (108;120 bpm)
    Allegretto ; moderately fast (but less so than allegro)
    Allegro moderato ; moderately quick (112;124 bpm)
    Allegro ; fast, quickly and bright (120;168 bpm)
    Vivace ; lively and fast (140 bpm) (quicker than allegro)
    Vivacissimo ; very fast and lively
    Allegrissimo ; very fast
    Presto ; very fast (168;200 bpm)
    Prestissimo ; extremely fast (more than 200bpm)

    çevirmeye üşendim kusura kalmayın.
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