first shot

entry2 galeri
  1. sözleri aşağıdaki gibi kopyala yapıştır yapılabilen şarkı**;

    you havent seen the things that i've done
    sometimes its better to run
    away from the things that i hate but this time
    i am walking straight at them, why?
    ever seen a sky that is so red?
    when i'm high its always in my head
    with a picture of you smiling back at my face
    you'll never know the beatuy of this taste

    fuck me up, lock me up inside
    of the cage is so small and so dark
    i can hardly see a weak small light
    hey, is that you?

    going through the biggest change in my life
    cant forget that fucking weak small light
    is it just an hallucination or
    is it really you?

    let me out
    i'm gonna give you this small present
    you can never see
    that's my pain
    if you are gonna blame me
    if you gonna tell me please

    take me up take me up its time
    going round going round in circles
    just get up just get up fuck up
    your own life
    you were round you were round in my life
    for the reason that my mind was so dark
    taken in taken in all the pain
    that was you

    bring me out
    i'm gonna give you this small present
    you can never see
    that's my pain
    if you gonna blame me
    if you gonna tell me please

    you, is that you?
    why is that you?
    changing me all around

    change the lies,its coming now
    gonna sound,gonna fuckin sound like a bitch
    thats been fucking hard
    paralyzed, nothing is moving now like my father's body thats been buried underground

    bring!! him!! back!!
    you dont know whats inside!!!
    you dont know whats inside!!!
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