house md

entry816 galeri video7
  1. Lines in the Sand adlı bölümde House ile Cameron hakkında otistik bir çocuk hakkında şöyle bir muhabbet geçmiştirki, House'ın ilk kez birine imrendiğini görmüş olduk, tabi herkese bok attıktan sonra:

    Cameron: "Is it so wrong for them to want to have a normal child? It's normal to want to be normal."
    House: "Spoken like a true circle queen. See, skinny, socially privileged white people get to draw this neat little circle. And everyone inside the circle is 'normal'. Anyone outside the circle needs to be beaten, broken and reset so that they can be brought into the circle. Failing that, they should be institutionalized. Or even worse - pitied."
    Cameron: "So it's wrong to feel sorry for this little boy?"
    House: "Why would you feel sorry for someone that gets to opt out of the inane courteous formalities which are utterly meaningless, insincere and therefore degrading. This kid doesn't have to pretend to be interested in your back pain, your secretions or your grandma's itchy place. Imagine how liberating it would be to live a life free of all the mind numbing social niceties. I don't pity this kid - I envy him."
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