karakutu da duyulan son sozler

entry7 galeri
  1. cvr ses kaydıdır, uluslararası uçuş kuralları gereği ingilizcedir, onur air in pist dışına çıktığı bir kazasından alıntıdır;

    28.54 CAPT.: 24 Flaps
    28.55 FO*: He (Yes)
    28.56 CAPT.: Maybe it's not matched, but'
    29.07 FO: Ok Ok 24 Lets add the power now
    29.20 FO: Is CG Correct
    29.22 CAPT.: That's ok it is 11.1
    29.23 FO: Ok
    29.23 FO: Everything is all right
    29.24 CAPT.: He (Yes)
    29.27 FO: Lets add power again what will we see
    (Horn and stabilizer warning triggers again)
    29.28 CAPT.: What's going on? (Allah Allah)
    29.32 FO: Lets go lets go sir
    (Warning continues)
    29.38 CAPT.: Auto throttle on
    Some other traffic's conversation
    29.44 FO: Speed is alive
    29.46 FO: Why is this warning given?
    29.47 CAPT.: 80
    29.47 FO: Check
    29.50 FO: 100
    29.56 FO: It's not reached yet
    29.57 CAPT.: It's not rotating
    29.58 FO: Lets continue sir
    29.59 CAPT.: Continue, continue
    30.00 CAPT.: It's not coming up
    (warning stops as power levers are pulled back for rejecting take-off)
    CAPT.: It's not coming up
    CAPT.: It's not coming up
    CAPT.: It's not coming up
    CAPT.: The nose did not come up
    30.09 CAPT.: Engines
    30.11 CAPT.: The nose did not come up
    30.12 CAPT.: The nose did not come up
    30.13 CAPT.: The nose did not come up
    30.17 CAPT.: ***** (curse)

    bu kısım da kuleyle olan kısım;
    7:22:23 OHY: Tower 2264
    7:22:25 TWR: Onur air 2264 Eelde Tower go ahead
    7:22:28 OHY: Did you see (unreadable)?
    7:22:33 TWR: Ja fire brigade is on his eh way
    7:22:36 OHY: Oke
    0 ...