yaran fizik hocası lafları

entry20 galeri
  1. Say you're in an elevator. I could do two things to you and you wouldn't know the difference. I could pull the elevator up with a rope and you'd begin to feel heavy. Or, I could replace the planet beneath you with a bigger planet and you'd feel heavy. Now most likely I'll do the first one. But you can't tell the difference!

    Farz et ki asansordesin. Simdi sana 2 sey yapabilirim. Ya seni bir iple yukari cekerim ve sen daha agir hissederin. Ya da, altindaki gezegeni daha agir bir gezegenle degistiririm ve sen yine daha agir hissedersin. Buyuk ihtimalle birincisini yaparim, ama sen arasindaki farki bilemezsin!
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