yaran fizik hocası lafları

entry20 galeri
  1. In this first problem, there is a car driving along a cliff, and the car just jumps off. This person has decided to end it all. Now, we want to know at what time the car hits the ground. This is the beauty of physics, because if this were a psychology class we'd want to know why the person was jumping, but we are simply concerned with how long it takes.

    Birinci soruda, bir araba ucurumun ucundan ucuyor. Kullanan kisi herseyi bitirmeye karar vermis. Simdi, bu adamin ne zaman yere carpacagini bulmak istiyoruz. Fizigin guzel yani da bu, sayet bu bir psikoloji dersi olsaydi, neden bu adamin intahar ettigini anlamaya calisrdik, ancak biz ne zaman arabanin yere carpacagini merak ediyoruz.

    (bkz: R shankar)
    (bkz: yale university)
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