radio swan is down

entry1 galeri
  1. demo tadinda bir laura albumu. experimental bir yapida ve degi$ik bir kayit teknigiyle kaydedildigini du$undugum bir albumdur.
    album gayet ba$arili olmasina ragmen cok fazla bilinmemektedir.

    tracklist as follows:

    1. Radio Swan Is Down, Pt. 1
    2. Is There No Hope for the Widow's Son?
    3. I Hope
    4. Numbers Stations
    5. Every Light
    6. Lake Vostok Beachfront
    7. it's kind of like the innocent smiles you get at the start of a relationship before you fuck everything up *
    8. Radio Swan Is Down, Pt. 2
    9. Patterns Not People
    10. Cambridge Bypass
    11. Another Near Miss
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