efsane rap parçalar

entry17 galeri video2
  1. öncelikle sean paul rap yapmamaktadir ve o yüzden get busy rap parcasi degildir.

    cidden efsane parcalara gelecek olursak

    notorious big - juicy ve hypnotize
    2pac - california love, changes, hit em up, ambitionz az a ridah, only god can judge me
    sugarhill gang - rappers delight
    public enemy - fight the power
    salt n peppa - push it
    grandmaster flash - the message
    snoop dogg - nuthin' but a g' thang ve gin and juice
    eazy e - real motherfuckin' g'z
    ice cube - it was a good day
    nas - one mic ve nas is like
    jay z - 99 problems
    eminem - loose yourself ve stan
    run dmc - walk this way
    nwa - fuck the police ve straight outta compton
    Sir Mix-A-Lot - Baby Got Back
    eric b & rakim - paid in full
    coolio - gangstas paradise
    puff daddy - i'll be missing you

    üstte yazilan parcalar ciddi ciddi rap'i domine etmis ve efsanelesmis parcalardir. hem satis bakimindan hem kalite bakiminden on numaradir. ayrica bu sadece benim fikrim degil, bir cok elestirmenin de fikridir.
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