double talkin jive

entry9 galeri video1
  1. paris 1992 performansı hem performans olarak hem de axl'ın giriş konuşması olarak, muhteşemdir. nasıl da tarif etmiş adam ikiyüzlü orospu çocuklarını. öyle kolay axl rose olunmuyor işte. ikiyüzlülere gelsin benden;

    "id like to dedicate this next song to a man who likes to play games... to a man that lives his life playing games... premeditated games... a man whos so empty that thats all he can do is play fucking games... a man whos a parasite... a man who makes who lives his life on sucking off other peoples life force and their energy... an old man who likes to live precariously through young people and suck up all their life cause he has none of his own... id like to dedicate this song to a cheap punk named warren beatty... a man who has a family and a baby but hes got to spent his time fucking around with other people because he doesnt know what to do with his own life... a man who uses you, uses the media and uses everybody to... to fulfil his fucking parasitic needs... well listen home fuck!... if you think madonna kicked your ass i`m betting my money on annette you stupid fucking asshole this is a song called double talkin jive motherfucker!"
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