uefa ya mail kampanyası

entry28 galeri
  1. gsfans.org tarafından başlatılan yeni bir kampanyadır, tüm temiz futbolu sevenlerin ilgi göstermesi gerekir.

    To Whom It May Concern,

    As you know, Turkish Football Federation is going to an election on February 27th and Besiktas J. K President Mr. Yıldırım Demirören has announced his candidacy today.

    But Beşiktaş J.K is also one of the suspected football clubs at the match-fixing case going on in Turkey.

    Mr. Demirören also said that: if necessary, let us be banned by the UEFA, but nobody nor a club should be sanctioned by the Federation, the local football economy is the most important thing than anything else These sentences are the prove of his vision about clean football!

    In addition, Mr. Demirören has problems with a lot of players at his own club. He has been complained many times by players about non-compliance with the contract terms, and not last but least his economical involvement at his own club (a personal lend to the club of about 90 million euro's) makes him a person who can't make an objective opinion on this matter.

    Turkish football will get into very deep chaos with Mr Demirören

    Please show your interest in this topic."

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