boredom of wisdom

entry1 galeri
  1. this is all about an unknown story
    and its always been nice to remember.
    this is all about a murder
    and its always nice to meet your private killer.
    this is all about you
    and its always nice to make you read your own story.
    this is all about me
    and its always nice to commit suicide after a great glory.

    sure there were those thieves, tried to steal you from you,
    sure there were those blue suits, tried to break you,
    sure there were those so called friends, tried to fail you.
    but you come out clear and never turned yourself in.

    some heroes born that way, some learn afterwards.
    a sky, a sun and a moon.
    when a hero borns one dies soon.
    you've borned as a man.
    but will die as a legend on a battle platoon.

    that's life itself boy, no matter how hard you try,
    there'll always be heroes and personal angels, for you they'll cry.
    do not take these words as an acceptance of wisdom for your freedom.
    thou shall be someon's hero, someones thief
    as yet,
    so soon,
    you'll be someone's boredom..

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