come rain come shine

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  1. çok güzel bir wishbone ash şarkısı. 2002 tarihli bona fide albümünden. dinlerin kardeşliği temasını işler. şarkının ortasında bir yerlerde ezan sesi duyarsınız, ardından gelen "rahman ve rahim olan allah'tır" sözleriyle "yanlış mı duydum lan" hissine kapılabilirsiniz. sonrasındaki soloyla uçarsınız. sözler;

    ready the armies and try as we must,
    opening wounds of yore.
    under the banner, "in god we trust"
    aiming to settle the score.

    come rain, come shine,
    all travesties we will repay.
    come rain, come shine,
    till dawns that golden day.

    crowns and thrones may perish and fall,
    kingdoms rise and wane.
    but our trust in holy books and relics prevails,
    and constant will remain.

    come rain, come shine,
    all travesties we will repay.
    come rain, come shine,
    till dawns that golden day.

    rabbis and popes, mullahs in cloaks,
    in the end, they're all the same.
    the past, the future and the time in between
    in the name of peace, re-writing the scene.

    come rain, come shine,
    all travesties we will repay.
    come rain, come shine,
    till dawns that golden day.

    ready the armies and try as we must,
    under the banner, "in god we trust"
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