
entry18 galeri
  1. bir the pineapple thief harikasıdır. o kadar farklı duygulara sürükler, o kadar garip şeyler düşündürür ki bu şarkı, sen bile şaşırırsın o kadar diyorum.


    sözleri ise şu şekildedir.

    Count down with me,
    Count down it down with me

    There's nothing you can do,
    Wait with me,
    There's nothing you can do,
    Wait with me

    Take this dance with me

    Count down with me,
    Count it down with me

    There's nothing you can do,
    Wait with me,
    There's nothing you can do,
    Wait with me

    Take this dance with me
    Take this dance with me
    0 ...