counter strike -> multiplayer -> lan game -> join game.
Bordo_bereli06 killed pkk_rulez with m4a1.
Bordo_bereli06: man down!
Mehmet_bey: Roger that.
***Bordo_bereliCcC killed pkk_mania with a headshot from kanas.
Gökteki_istikbal: Fire in the Hole!
Gökteki_istikbal killed pkk_cave_man with a plane bomb.
Gökteki_istikbal killed pkk_suicader with a plane bomb.
Gökteki_istikbal killed pkk_elle_basi_oksa a plane bomb.
The_Jannisary blow away cave of pkk cave with rocket launcher.
Mehmet_bey:Turan yapın turan kaçıyo...
The_Jannisary: bi sus lan bedelli.
pkk_mayinci_basi has killed himself with c4