sikerim girisicem bu ise; expectations diye bi sarkilar olan grup. allahinin adini verdim o kadar mi guzel olur, ceviricem simdi, vallahi dinle bak. cok guzel lan.
monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school ---------------------pazartesi sabahi okula gidecegini bilerek uyan
tell your mum what to expect, she said it's right out of the blue ---------------------annene ne umdugunu soyle, cok yersiz oldugunu soylesin
do you want to work in debenhams, because thats what they expect ------------------- debenhams'te calismak istermisin, cunku bekledikleri bu
start in lingerie, and doris is your supervisor ----------------- -------------------- ic camasiriyla basla, ve doris senin mudurun.
and the head said that you always were a queer one from the start ------------------- ve mudur senin en basindan beri bi acayip* oldugunu soyler
for careers you say you want to be remembered for your art ------------------- -----kariyer olarak dersin ki sanatimla hatirlanmak istiyorum
your obsessions get you known throughout the school for being strange -------------- takintilarin butun okulda bir ucube olarak taninmana sebep olur
making life-size models of the velvet underground in clay ------------------------- the velvet underground'un kilden gercek boyut modellerini yaparsin
in the queue for lunch they take the piss, youve got no appetite --------------------- ogle yemegi sirasinda ugrasirlar seninle, istahin kacar
and the rumor is you never go with boys and you are tight -------------- -----------ve hic erkeklerle cikmadigin soylentisi dolanir, ve cok kati oldugun
so they jab you with a fork, you drop the tray and go berserk ----------------------- ve saplarlar bir catali, dusurursun tepsini ve delirirsin
while your cleaning up the mess the teacher is looking up your skirt ------------------sen pisligi temizlerken ogretmen de eteginin altina bakar
hey, youve been used-----------------------------------------------------hey, sen kullanildin
are you calm? settle down--------------------------------------------------sakin misin? bi durul
write a song, ill sing along--------------------------------------------------sen sarki yaz, ben eslik ederim
soon you will know that you are sane------------------------------------------yakinda aklinin basinda oldugunu anlayacaksin
youre on top of the world again--------------------------------------------- ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin
monday morning wake up knowing that youve got to go to school ---------------------pazartesi sabahi okula gidecegini bilerek uyan
tell your mum what to expect, she said it's right out of the blue ---------------------annene ne umdugunu soyle, cok yersiz oldugunu soylesin
do you want to work in c&a, cause thats what they expect--------------------------- c&a'de calismak ister misin, cunku bekledikleri bu
move to lingerie and take a feel off joe the store man-------------------------------ic camasiri bolumune git ve tezgahtar joe'nun hislerini anla
tell veronica the secrets of the boy you never kissed------------------------------- veronica'ya o hic opmedigin cocugun sirlarini anlat
shes got everything to gain cause shes a fat girl with a lisp-------------------------o herseyi elde edebilir cunku pelte agizli sisko bir kiz
she sticks up for you when you get aggravation from the snob-----------------------kendini begenmisler seni kizdirdiginda seni kollar
cause you cant afford a blazer, girl youre always wearing clogs---------------------cunku sen "blazer" alamazsin, sen hep o takunyali kizsin
at the interval you lock yourself away inside a room-------------------------------tenefuste kendini uzaklara bir odaya kitlersin
head of english gets you, asks you, what the hell do you think youre doing? ------------ingilizce hocan gelir, sorar, ne halt ettigini saniyorsun?
do you think youre better then the other kids? well get outside.---------------------diger cocuklardan daha iyi oldugunu mu dusunuyorsun? cik disari da oyna
youve got permission, but youve got to make the bastard think hes right-------------yapabilirsin ama o yavsaga hakli oldugunu hissettirmek zorundasin
hey, youve been used-----------------------------------------------------hey, sen kullanildin
are you calm? settle down--------------------------------------------------sakin misin? bi durul
write a song, ill sing along--------------------------------------------------sen sarki yaz, ben eslik ederim
soon you will know that you are sane------------------------------------------yakinda aklinin basinda oldugunu anlayacaksin
youre on top of the world again--------------------------------------------- ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin
are you cool, and you know-------------------------------------------------iyi misin? ve biliyosun
youre a star and youll go far-----------------------------------------------sen bi starsin ve cok basarili olacaksin
think of me as a friend----------------------------------------------------beni bir arkadasin olarak gor
not just a boy whos playing guitar-------------------------------------------oyle siradan gitar calan bir eleman olarak degil
youre on top of the world again---------------------------------------------ve tekrar dunyanin tepesindesin.