
entry12 galeri
  1. ing. thor's hammer. çok güçlü bir mitolojik silahtır. oynayanlar bilir; tomb raider underworld de çokça geçer bu çekiç efsanesi. zaten oyun içerisinde de kendisine sahip oluruz* ve canavarları dan dun oraya buraya savururuz.
    konuyla alakalı olarak şöyle bir şey var: http://www.tombraiderwiki...index.php/Thor%27s_Hammer
    "Lara first retrieves Thor's two gauntlets after following a trail of Proto-Norse ruins and her father's work, which allow her to wield the weapon, and the belt, Megingjord, which grants the bearer greater strength. After wielding these and utilising their powers to acess the ruins where the hammer lies, Lara finally gets the hammer and goes to kill Natla. Natla, however, manages to talk Lara out of destroying her, hinting that she needs her to get inside Helheim, which appears to be Avalon, after Lara's father mistook Avalon for Niflheim, the ruins she found in the Med.

    In Helheim, Natla opens the way for Lara, who continues with the hammer. After a dramatic sequence where Natla reveals her grand plan, Lara leaves for the giant Jörmungandr device, to stop Natla once and for all. After destroying the mechanism, Lara kills a distracted Natla by throwing it into her skull. Natla falls into the Eitr and presumably dies."

    burada söylenenlere göre bu çekicin bir de aksesuarları varmış; kemer ve eldiven. kemerin adı megingjord. bu kemer , taşınyanın gücüne güç katarmış.
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