home is where it hurts

entry3 galeri
  1. camille'in music hole isimli albümünde bulunan yegane parça. az ve öz.

    şurdan dinlenesi: http://fizy.com/#s/1od9y7

    My home has no door
    My home has no roof
    My home has no windows
    It ain't water proof
    My home has no handles
    My home has no keys
    If you're here to rob me
    There's nothing to steal
    A la maison
    Dans ma maison
    Cest là que jai peur
    Home is not a harbour
    Home home home
    Is where it hurts
    My home has no heart
    My home has no veins
    If you try to break in
    It bleeds with no stains
    My brain has no corridors
    My walls have no skin
    You can lose your life here
    Cause there's no one in

    sanki böyle kolunu az çiziyosun da, ince bi kan akıyor aşağıya gibi. rahatlıyosun gibi.
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