ghost in the shell'lerin tv bölümü olan standalone complex serisinin açılış parçası. yarı rusça yarı ingilizce olan güzl bir parça.
sözleri şöyledir:
Angely i demony kruzhili nado mnoj
Razbivali ternii i zvyozdnye puti
Ne znaet schast'ya tol'ko tot'
Kto ego zova ponyat' ne smog...I am Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...Stand alone... Where was life when it had a meaning...
Stand alone... Nothing's real anymore and......Beskonechnyj beg...
Poka zhiva ya mogu starat'sya na letu ne upast',
Ne razuchit'sya mechtat'...lyubit'...
...Beskonechnyj beg...Calling Calling, For the place of knowing
There's more that what can be linked
Calling Calling, Never will I look away
For what life has left for me
Yearning Yearning, for what's left of lovingSoboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling now, Spirits rise and falling
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...
Calling Calling, in the depth of longing
Soboj ostat'sya dol'she...