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  1. little miss sunshine adlı güzeller güzeli filmdeki dededir.

    Grandpa: Can I give you some advice?
    Dwayne: [shakes head "no"]
    Grandpa: Well, I'm going to give it to you, anyway. I don't want you making the same mistakes I made when I was young. Dwayne, that's your name, right? Dwayne? Listen to me, this is the voice of experience talking. Are you listening? Fuck a lot of women, Dwayne.
    Richard: Dad!
    Grandpa: I got no reason to lie to you kid, fuck a lotta women. Not just one, a lot. So are you gettin' any? Is it going anywhere?
    Dwayne: [shakes his head no]
    Grandpa: No? Jesus! What are you? Fifteen? You should be gettin' that young stuff! That young stuff is the best stuff in the world!

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