dream brother

entry24 galeri
  1. bir de alternatif versiyonu varmış bu şarkının. müzik aynı, sözler farklı. bu haliyle daha fazla babasına yazılmış gibi duruyor ve diğerine göre daha az "öldürücü" sanki.

    sleeping with his arms 'round the hips of fate,
    and his tears scattered 'round the world.
    angels don't give him these dreams
    and my cold black visions.

    show him his babies in a helpless state of never knowing fully his voice,
    never knowing what it is to be, his children.

    dream brother with his eyes to the burning sun.

    don't be like the one who made me so old,
    don't be like the one who left behind his name
    'cause they're waiting for you like i waited for mine
    and nobody ever came.

    edit: bu alternatif versiyon sanırım so real:songs from jeff buckley albümünde.
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