Gençlik Demokrasi projeleri (Eylem 1.3), Ulusal Ajanslar tarafından finanse edilen projelerdir. Detaylı bilgiyi Türk Ulusal Ajansı'ndan ( ) edinebilirsiniz.
Hello everyone,
We are Center for Education and Consulting Structural Instruments ( CECSI) from Romania - Targu Jiu. We intend to apply on 1 JUNE with a Participatory Democracy Project (Action 1.3) and we need partners.
Those interested, here you have a brief description of the project:
We started this project from the belief that the young people have a key role in the development of their communities,the purpose of this project is about strengthening and increasing civic participation of young people, so the main objectives of the project aims to:
- stimulate young people's active citizenship in the partners countries
- awareness of youth about democratic rights and their obligations;
- encouraging an active-participatory attitudes towards democratic mechanisms for participants
- development of practical skills, applied social intervention;
- development of skills and abilities among participants on active citizenship,democracy, social and civic rights;
- specific local youth involvement in activities;
- encouraging young people to use their civic rights (eg right to vote),
- to promote democracy general (eg human rights)
- to encourage people to get involved in making decisions and solving problems at local (ie development of an association to mediate problems and interests of people with local authority);
- to consider several controversial aspects of democratic society;
- to practice and develop skills of listening, discussion and persuasion;
- to encourage cooperation.
The activities will take place between 17-26 November 2011
Target group: young people 18-30 years old
IMPORTANT: According to the eligibility criteria, each country partner in the project must have 2 independent promoters.