the only

entry10 galeri
  1. static x in pek gaz parçasıdır. need for speed undergoroud dan da biliriz. şarkı çalmaya başladığında nos a basmış gibi olunur.

    efendim sözleride söyledir;

    I'm winning, you're losing
    I'm falling, your agony
    Lowen than lower, before
    Your forgotton memory

    My heaven, your hell
    I'm killing, your fantasy
    More and more, you follow
    Your divorced reality

    You're trying to take me
    You're trying to make me
    This is the only
    Give me the only thing
    I'm tired of trying
    I'm tired of lying
    The only thing I undertand is what I feel

    Identity, fantasy
    Heresy, killing me
    Lower than lower, before
    This thing to feed

    Hypocrite, lunatic
    Fanatic, heretic
    More and more, you follow
    Your divorced reality

    You're trying to take me
    You're trying to make me
    This is the only
    Give me the only thing
    I'm tired of trying
    I'm tired of lying
    The only thing I undertand is what I feel

    Hypocrite, lunatice, fanatic, heretic
    1 ...