every strangers eyes

entry1 galeri
  1. in truck stops and hamburger joints
    in cadilllac limousines
    in the company of has-beens
    in bent-backs in sleeping forms
    on pavement steps
    in libraries and railway stations
    in books and banks
    in the pages of history
    in sucidal cavalry attacks
    i recognise...
    myself in every stranger's eyes

    and in wheelchairs by monuments
    under tube trains in commuter accidents
    in council care and countrucourts
    at easter fairs in sea-side resorts
    in drawing rooms and city morgues
    in award winning photographs
    of life rafts in the china seas
    in transit camps, under arc lamps
    on loading ramps
    in faces blurred by rubber stamps
    i recognise...
    myself in every stranger's eyes

    and now from where i stand
    upon this hill plundered from the pool
    i look around, i search the skies
    i shade my eyes, so nearly blind
    and i see signs of half remembered days
    i hear bells that chime in strange familiar ways
    i recognise...
    the hope you kindle in your eyes

    it's oh so easy now
    as we lie here in the dark
    nothing interferes it's obvious
    how to beat the tears
    that threaten to snuff out
    the spark of you love

    sözlerine sahip, özellikle de roger'ın "from where i stand" derken ki sesi derinden etkilemektedir beni. clapton tarafından renklendirilen pros and cons of hitch hiking albümünün en güzel şarkısıdır bence.
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