oscar ödülünü alan türkün ilk tepkisi

entry61 galeri video1
  1. -ııııııı-...hello! -ıııııı- first of all, i can't believe it.

    -ıııııı-... Big films easy than the other films. Unfortunately. Everytime is we have the control the films, under the control the films, during the films. We have the some possibilities, some big chances, some big okazyons, something like that but what can i do, sometimes? And it's the oscar, that's the oscar. Something happened. Everything is something happened. But anyway now is in the academy, we have to seen the situation, now is first position. And one film more. I don't want to see the back, i want to see the front.that's all...

    thank you again with all my okazyons
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