kimsenin iddiası filan değildir. orjinal metinin tüm satırlarını tek tek okudum. hatta haberin yanındaki metin bile ufacanak yazıdan okudum. acep metnimi değiştirdiler diye.
metin aynen şöyle;
Kermal] Atatürk was one of those rare men whom I believe the Lord sent to save their country. A masterly politician and fearless warrior, he was half-man, half-god . . .
I was throbbing with excitement as I opened the large oak door and found myself in a cobble-stoned courtyard shaded by an ancient olive tree . . . Almost in a hypnotic trance, I went upstairs. And there, in a room in front of me, sat a man in an oversized carved-oak chair, his back to me, smoke from his hookah drifting high above him . . .
Atatürk motioned that I sit on the red and coppercolored velvet cushions next to him. Mesmerized, I complied. He offered me his pipe and, unquestioningly, I took it. Then he passed me a gold and emeraldencrusted cup filled with raki, a potent drink made partly of anise. I sipped from the cup.
Until now, I have never before revealed what happened next, what happened when Atatürk dismissed the dancing girls and the two us were alone. Sometimes I think it happened in a dream, sometimes that I was in an opium haze or a stupor induced by the raki. All I know is that day, Atatürk, the conqueror of Turkey, the idol of a million women and the envy of countless men, took my virginity . . .
He dazzled me with his sexual prowess and seduced me with his perversion. Atatürk was very wicked. He knew exactly how to please a young girl. On looking back, I think he probably knew how to please every woman, because he was a professional lover, a god and a king."
Ankara, Turkey, 1937
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